Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Does Broomhill still need BANG? Come to our AGM and join the debate

BANG will hold its AGM on tuesday, 13th May at 7.30 pm. You can get full details of the meeting on our website www.broomhillonline.org.uk.

The continuing viability of BANG depends on new people coming forward to join our committee. According to our Constitution the committee is supposed to have a minimum of 10 members but this is getting harder to maintain. Joining the committee is not at all onerous and involves very little in the way of a commitment of time and energy, so if you can spare 90 minutes once each month to keep BANG alive please come forward.

We will debate whether BANG still has a role in the life of our community at the AGM. The following Motion will be proposed :

Motion to the AGM

This AGM directs the Committee to conduct a postal ballot of all registered members to determine whether the society should now be dissolved, in accordance with Clause 15 of the BANG constitution.

If the Committee for 2014-15 appointed at this AGM consists of less than 10 members (as required by the Constitution) then retiring members of the 2013-14 committee shall be requested to remain in post until this action is discharged.

Council approves Taylor Wimpey peoposals for the Tapton site

As expected the Council's planning committee approved the planning application from Taylor Wimpey for the Tapton Halls of Residence site. There was some debate on the points raised by community representatives present, in particular the design and materials and the lack of an affordable housing contribution. One small victory was that the Committee imposed an additional condition that the entire development should be built in stone, rather than a mix of stone and brick. This condition is likely to impact on the profitability of the development.

Watch this space for news.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Tapton Hall of Residence site - planning decision next tuesday 22nd April

The council's planning committee will consider the proposals from Taylor Wimpey to build a housing estate on the site of the former Tapton Hall of Residence and Experimental Gardens next tuesday. The Committee meets in the Town Hall at 2pm and the meeting is open to the public.

Despite hundreds of objections from local residents and from English Heritage, the council's planning officers have recommended that the proposals are accepted. The council has reached a financial settlement with the developer that will excuse them from making any contribution to affordable housing in the city. A section 106 contribution to provide children's play space is earmarked for use off-site, i.e. elsewhere in the city.