Monday 9 December 2013

A Neighbourhood Plan for BBEST (Broomhill, Broomfield, Endcliffe, Summerfield, and Tapton Area Planning Forum)

Play a part in the preparation of a plan for the area you live in!
The Government has introduced new planning rules which give more power to local people.
Communities such as ours are being encouraged to prepare Neighbourhood Plans which will give them more influence over what happens in their area. A group of residents in consultation with local Community Associations, representing most parts of the BBEST area, have come together as the BBEST Neighbourhood Planning Forum with the aim of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan for the area. This will set out a vision for the neighbourhood in which we live and set out our priorities for the future. Sheffield City Council will have to take the plan into account when making planning and development decisions. The plan will also help the community to secure funding for projects to improve the area. Our inaugural Annual General Meeting will be held at Broomhill Methodist Church (next to Oxfam in Broomhill centre) between 6.00 – 7.30 pm on the 10th December, 2013 to give you an opportunity to contribute your ideas and for members to vote for officers and a steering committee to take the plan forward. We would welcome your attendance to ensure all parts of the community are represented.

PLEASE COME TO the Inaugural Annual General Meeting of BBEST at Broomhill Methodist
Church in the Fulwood Room (Broomhill centre next to Oxfam)
Tuesday 10th December 6.00 – 7.30 pm
If you have access to the internet and intend to come to the meeting please let us know by emailing

Thursday 7 November 2013

Broomhill Library - the latest update from the Chair of Broomhill Forum

The Chairperson writes:

Further to my letter of October, I would like to remind you that there will be a meeting on Saturday 9 November at 10.30am at the Broomhill Beacon Methodist Church, Fulwood Road, Broomhill, about the Council’s proposals for the library service, and what this could mean for the Broomhill Library.  The purpose of the meeting on 9th November will be for people to hear further from Cllr Iqbal and the local councillors, to gather views on what could/should be done, and to discuss what practical steps are possible and feasible to ensure the continuance of all or some library service. 

Some of the main questions to be considered include:
1.      Is it a financially feasible proposition to continue the library as it is?
2.      If not, what alternatives are possible?
3.      What venues are available?
4.      What staffing would be required?
5.      Where would the funding come from to support a new venture?
6.      Who is willing to form themselves into a group to take the matter forward?

The meeting will be attended by local councillors and by Councillor Mazher Iqbal, the Council Cabinet member with responsibility for the Sheffield Library Service, who has kindly agreed to attend and present information and answer questions.  The Broomhill Forum is organising this meeting as it is clearly a matter of great concern to local residents, including those in neighbouring areas, such as Crookes, Crosspool, Ranmoor and Fulwood, and the meeting is open to anyone from those areas, and elsewhere, who wishes to attend.  However, it should be made plain from the outset that the Forum is not in a position to take on the running of a library: it does not fall within its remit, which is that of a discussion (and advice) forum for local businesses, major organisations and local residents to discuss matters of common concern.  However, the Forum is happy to facilitate the community’s discussion of the issues, and bring together any local businesses, residents and other individuals who may wish to form themselves into a suitable grouping in order to take on the task of organising a community library.

In essence, the Council’s report on the future of Sheffield Libraries indicated that there will only be two libraries on the west of the city, namely Hillsborough and Ecclesall, and there will be no mobile library service.  The Home Library Service will remain for those who are housebound. The Council has stated its intention to support financially 5 co-delivered community libraries, for two years, and has listed 16 possible libraries for this support in rank order of preference, relating to demographic needs.  Broomhill is now ranked 6th in this list.  Both the co-funded and the prospective independent libraries are asked to submit business plans to the Council by January 10 2014 outlining how they propose to manage the library in their area.  If any of the 5 libraries identified as possible co-delivered libraries do not choose to go down this route then libraries below the cut-off line may move up into the co-funded category.

At the councillors’ meeting with local residents about the possibilities for the Broomhill Library which was held on 16 October, various questions on possible finance were put to the councillors who undertook to investigate both facts and possibilities. Answers to some of the questions are listed below but fuller detail may be available at the meeting on the 9th November.

1.      What are the costs of running the Broomhill Library premises at the moment?
Answer: These amount to c £24,250.00 plus insurance costs of circa £1k. The staffing costs are not included in these figures.
2.      Could the city provide some funds to move the library to a different location?
Answer: This may be possible but it would be a time limited offer.
3.      What would be the capital costs of providing a fit-for-purpose library where it is currently located in Taptonville Road (i.e. bringing it up to accessibility standards, and fire regulations) ?
Answer: £756,000.00 (costings by Kier)
4.      Is there the possibility of the £300k which was previously allocated to the library being available for use if Broomhill Library were to continue?
Answer: Cllrs are still seeking clarity on this matter.
5.      Will there be section 106 monies from the Taptonville development which can be devoted to the library?
Answer: Cllrs going to ask for clarity on this but the money would usually be retained for open space, or transport, or for infrastructure projects.
6.      Could the council sell the current Broomhill Library and the money be used for a new facility?
AnswerCllrs are currently enquiring from colleagues about the possibility of this, because the funds would usually have to go into a capital project and not revenue costs.

7.      Broomhill is not as yet on the list of five areas eligible for support for a co-funded library so current discussions are interesting but academic. If Broomhill were to move onto that list of 5 when would we know?

Answer: Broomhill could move up from the independent category to the co-funded category but this would not be known until after 20 December and the business plans have been put forward by the five front runners. The deadline for a final business plan is 10 January but Cllr Iqbal is prepared to be flexible on this.

8.      Would there be funding available for the set up costs, and the running and security of the library stock.

Answer: There would be funding for the set up costs, but not for any further costs. There would not be any funding for buying book stocks other than through applying to the Broomhill Ward funding pot.

9.      What form of governance for the co-funded libraries would the Council require? A limited company? Formation of a charitable trust with a board of trustees? 

Answer: The information pack will spell out the information/expectations on people who wish to run a library, e.g. formation of organisation such as ‘Friends of Broomhill Library. Such a body would not pay a market rental for the existing property but that charged to a third sector organisation. Training and support needs would be provided to such a group to help them with the work.
It is expected that those libraries which are independent would be best served by operating in a consortium for buying book stock and providing services.
I would urge you to attend the meeting to make your views known.  Broomhill has one of the highest usage rates of all the libraries in the city. There are also at least two petitions being circulated in Broomhill for submission to the Council. Please do sign one of these if you feel strongly about the issue.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

The replacement for our Community Assembly - and Broomhill Library Update

As you will know the Community Assemblies were disestablished and we are now working as Local Area Partnerships. As part of this, in the Central Area, we are developing and improving upon the ways we communicate with the public. We have a new blog and we are trying to utilise Facebook and Twitter more effectively.

Here are some recent posts that may be of interest, including some funding opportunities:

To get posts as soon as they go live click the ‘follow’ button on the blog.

Please like us on Facebook and follow us Twitter. You can also use these to start discussions or ask questions. We can post events and notices for you.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

BBest: A neighbourhood planning forum for Broomhill

There's been steady progress in organising a Neighbourhood Planning Forum for Broomhill and nearby areas such as Harcourt Road. An inaugural meeting is planned for 22 October, in the Methodist Church. This is the meeting where we envisage that the boundaries and a constitution will be agreed subject to any immediate amendments. It's a critical meeting where we need 21 signatories to be present in order to formally launch the Forum. Afterwards, the proposal will be subject to any further amendments which the planners require as a condition of acceptance.

We've also got an informal Question and Discussion meeting planned for Monday 7 October at the University Arms. If you'd like to know more about this project and what it might mean for the area, why not attend and get your questions answered. Great beer too.

The future of Broomhill Library looks bleak...

Since the last Broomhill Forum meeting, the Council's report on the future of Sheffield's Library Services has been published and it will come as no surprise to learn that the future for Broomhill Library is bleak. We are not one of the 11 'hub' libraries that are proposed, nor is Broomhill considered to be eligible as one of 5 co-delivered Community Libraries, for which the Council will initially fund running, but not staff costs 

Walkley, Stannington, Upperthorpe and Totley will also probably close, so the only libraries that will remain open on this side of town will be Hillsborough and Ecclesall and of course, the Central Library. The Mobile Library Service will also close, but the Home Library Service will remain for those who cannot get out.

We have therefore agreed to hold a PUBLIC MEETING at 10.30am on Saturday 9th November at The Beacon Methodist Church, Fulwood Road, Broomhill, to discuss the future of Broomhill Library and give local residents and our neighbours the chance to have their say.

Please publicise this meeting and come along.

Friday 6 September 2013

BANG is 40 years old - and having a birthday picnic!

BANG is one of Sheffield’s oldest community associations, having been founded way back in 1973 to protest against Council plans to drive a dual carriageway road through England’s Prettiest Suburb, flattening many of our best-loved streets and houses.

Since that time, BANG members through the years have generously devoted huge amounts of time, money and effort to keep Broomhill special and we have many, many successful campaigns under our belts. Together we have built a wealth of expertise and experience that will help us to face tomorrow’s challenges. We think that is something really worth celebrating!

Join us in Victoria Park on Saturday, 14th September, 2.30 to 5
  o   Bring your own picnic food and drink
o   Bring a chair if you need one, or a blanket to sit on the grass
o   Bring the whole family
o   Period dress (1973) optional…

Where is Victoria Park?
It’s the small green space at the corner of Whitham Rd and Parker’s Lane.
Next to the small car park.
Between Ellis’s shop and the Nottingham House Pub.
See you there!

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Latest development scheme for the SECRET GARDEN arrives....

The next chapter unfolds in the saga of the Tapton Halls of Residence and Experimental Gardens site (The Secret Garden). It seems that with Miller Homes now off the scene, the University are now working with Taylor Wimpey to bring forward a new planning application for the site, replacing the scheme that was given planning permission in August 2011.

The new scheme has more houses and fewer flats and is largely within the footprint of the approved scheme, so retains the open space in part of the former botany garden. However in the new scheme, the density of development along the Taptonville Rd frontage is higher than has been approved; we once again have town houses along Taptonville Rd, including in the walled garden. Also, the crescent of houses within the botany garden site has increased from 10 town houses to 12 semis.

The University's planning consultant has allowed one week for 'community consultation' (generous, considering it's august), after which we can expect the application to progress through the usual planning process.

We will post the documents on the Broomhill website and keep people updated through The Banger and the website.

Monday 10 June 2013

Don't forget to buy your Broomhill Festival tickets...

With the 2013 Broomhill Festival in full swing with a better-than-ever programme of events tickets are disappearing fast! Visit the Festival's website to check what's on today and book your place.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Time to Talk Trees. . .Streets Ahead Approach to Tree Management

Time to Talk Trees. . .Streets Ahead Approach to Tree Management
When: Friday 7 June 2013
Time: 1pm - 4pm
Where: JG Graves Woodland Discovery Centre, Ecclesall Woods, S7 2QZ
As part of the £2 billion Streets Ahead programme, Amey is responsible for managing the 36,000 trees on Sheffield’s highways — those on roadsides and in verges. Our qualified tree experts have been working since October to carry out a full survey of these trees to identify any that are unhealthy and unsafe.
We know that many of your constituents may have questions about how Amey is managing the roadside tree population, particularly in areas where it is necessary to replace those which are unsafe and causing damage to pavements or road services.
To help answer your questions, we’d like to invite you to join us at our open day where our tree management team will be able to answer any questions you may have. As well as demonstrating the  anagement tools used to assess the health of trees, they will also demonstrate a range of skills including tree climbing — so come prepared to give it a try if you are feeling adventurous. `

We look forward to seeing you there

Monday 13 May 2013

The York's opening hours: One Year trial extension up for review

One year ago The York applied for planning permission to extend its opening hours and was granted permission on a trial basis for one year. This year is now up and the Planning Committee will consider whether the extended opening permission should be made permanent. You have an opportunity to comment on this planning proposal, the planning application number is 13/01229/FUL and the online site for lodging comments is

Actual opening hours are governed by both planning and licensing restrictions and as a result The York has in fact extended its opening by half an hour, not a full hour, from its original permitted times. In this case the licensing hours are more restrictive than the planning hours.

Friday 10 May 2013

Remembering Hamish Ritchie

We are very sad to pass on the announcement of the death last week of HAMISH RITCHIE at this home in Broomhill.  Hamish's very long association with BANG included many years of service as either Secretary and Chair of our association. We will write at greater length about his huge contribution to our community when time permits, in the meantime if any of the many local residents who knew Hamish would like to honour his memory with a charitable donation, the Ritchie family's wishes are that these should be made either to "St. Luke's Hospice" or "St. Andrew's Child Contact Centre" and sent to Adam Heath, John Heath & Sons, 2-16 Earsham Street, Sheffield, S4 7LS.

See also:

Thursday 2 May 2013

My favourite outdoor space in Sheffield?

School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, invites residents in all neighbourhoods of Sheffield to take part in this on-line survey on the quality of the outdoor environment. Follow the link below and complete this anonymous, well structured, multiple choice questionnaire. You are welcome to invite others from your social network.

Monday 15 April 2013

Seminar on Planning and Parking issues in the Crookesmoor and Broomhill areas

Wednesday 1st May, 6.30 – 8.30pm,
Reception Room, Sheffield Town Hall

Residents from Crookesmoor, Harcourt Road area and Broomhill, including members of the Crookesmoor Community Forum, Harcourt Road Action Group and Broomhill Forum, are warmly invited to a seminar covering:

·       The Sheffield Local Plan (previously the Sheffield Development Framework) and relevant Planning Policies.

  • Information on the development plans of the University of Sheffield, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust and Sheffield Children’s Hospital, including any potential parking development.
  • How local residents can get involved and express their views effectively.

All welcome!

Please contact Rebecca Maddox on 0114 205 3049 or to book a place.
This event is being supported by Sheffield City Council, the University of Sheffield, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust and Sheffield Children’s Hospital.  

Monday 18 March 2013

BANG's 40th Birthday AGM is on 9th April 2013

Calling all people who live or work in Broomhill, on 9th April 2013 at 7.30 pm BANG will be holding its annual AGM meeting in the Broomhill Methodist Church on Fulwood Road.

At the AGM we will be giving an update on our activities over the past year and seeking volunteers to join our Committee for the next year.  The new Committee will meet in May to decide how they want to work together and who will do what.
Getting involved in BANG is easier and more rewarding than you might think. No matter how much or how little time you have available, there's lots to do to suit all interests. Joining the Committee is not onerous and new members are badly needed for BANG to thrive.
If you want to find out more about our AGM, visit our website

Monday 18 February 2013

Advance Notice - Planning and Parking Seminar for Broomhill and Crookesmoor residents

The Central Community Assembly are organising a special seminar for residents of Broomhill and Crookesmoor on the topics of planning and parking. This seminar has been proposed as a result of the intensive discussions around the issue of temporary parking in the area during redevelopment of the Childrens' Hospital.

The seminar will take place on Wednesday May 1st, from 6.30 - 8.30 pm at the Town Hall.  Please put this in your diaries and start mentioning it to people - a proper flyer with full information about the agenda will be produced shortly.
Participants will include the council planners, University of Sheffield, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust, Harcourt Road Action Group, Broomhill Forum and BANG, as well as local residents.

Community policing in Broomhill

The following information for Broomhill residents comes from Broomhill Forum:
Inspector Darren Starkey reported at the Forum meeting that his team is now responsible for the Central Community Assembly area and that additional staff are being recruited for the Broomhill area in particular. Overall, crime has fallen by 20% in the area, but burglary from HMOs and theft of mobile phones are, increasingly, a cause of concern. During a recent check in Broomhill, police were able to gain free access to 20 out of 40 properties simply because the doors were not locked.  A recent initiative has improved security by fitting ‘split follower’ lever locks, which stop the levers from opening the doors from the outside, but allow free escape from the inside face of the door.
Inspector Starkey pointed out that:
§           basic ‘eurolocks’, which are commonly fitted to UPVC patio doors, can easily be twisted from the outside (by smashing the PVC) to gain access, so householders should check these.A simple upgrade is available.
§           car keys are commonly left overnight on worktops in kitchens or by front doors or in jacket pockets, where they can easily be found. It was suggested that keys should be hidden more securely or taken upstairs, as burglars rarely venture to the upper floors of a property.
§           the following security applications for phones and pcs were have been found to be effective : (a GPS locater for computers); or – free applications for smart phones that take and send a photo of anyone trying to make off with the phone, then send an alarm call. is a commonly used tracker system for cars.

Broomhill Library Update

Broomhill Forum have issued the following update for local residents:
At the last meeting of the Forum, Dave Hempshall, from Sheffield City Council, reported that negotiations for the acquisition of Willis House for a new library had ceased, because the property valuations could not be reconciled, and the matter was in abeyance pro tem, given the imminent publication of the SCC Library Services review. Following that report, the Council has announced its need to make reductions in Council expenditure and that it intends to reduce the number of libraries in the City. The most two most heavily used libraries in the city are Ecclesall and Broomhill, in that order, and you are encouraged to make your views know through councillors, petitions, and other lawful means, if you wish to preserve library facilities in Broomhill.
According to local press reports, Councillor Mazher Iqbal, cabinet member for library services, said, in January, that he is appealing for voluntary groups to come forward. "We will be publishing prospectuses on each community library later this month and inviting groups to make a bid. There will be an eight week deadline for responses which will then be assessed for viability".  However, if there is insufficient interest up to 14 of 27 community libraries could close.
As yet we have no further information from the Council on its proposals for alternative scenarios if the local library closes.

Update on Sheffield Roads PFI (Streets Ahead) from Broomhill Forum

Broomhill Forum issued the following update for local residents:

Amey, the Council contractors for the renewal and maintenance of Sheffield roads, are about to begin operations in the south-west of the city, this year and are on schedule to start works in the ‘northern’ part of Broomhill in August 2013. The company is mounting road shows in areas of the city before they begin the work to inform the local communities what the timetable is for the road works in their area, what they intend to do, and how they will be operating. 
Broomhill is subdivided into 3 zones for renewal work. The area lying above the A57 will be started in 2013; the area to the north east of Glossop road in 2014 and the area to the south west ofGlossop Road in 2017. The main trunk routes will be implemented as a separate phase in 2015 /16. The Broomhill Library has been provided with a copy of Amey’s map showing the Broomhill subdivisions for display.
A comprehensive presentation on the scheme was given to the  Broomhill Forum by Graeme Symonds (GS) (Project Director for Amey) and Moira Code (Community Assembly Liaison Steward), on the scope of works. The PFI contract will extend for 25 years at a cost of £2 billion. In addition to repairs and maintenance to every road and public footpath in the city, the works will include major structures such as bridges, as well as street lighting (with new LED technology), traffic lights and the replacement of trees where necessary. The Streets Ahead team will now handle street cleaning;
The Amey representatives made it clear that cars which are parked on the street must be moved to allow the road works to take place. Letters will be sent to households and notices will be posted warning everyone of this, but as a last resort, vehicles remaining on the roadway will be towed away to allow work to proceed. There will be leaflet drops to every household in a street before work begins on that street and there will be an opportunity for negotiation with any business or household that is affected by the works. Veolia and SYPTE will also be consulted to coordinate any temporary alterations to collection times, bus routes etc that are needed.
The Amey representatives have been made aware of the need to preserve the Broomhill Conservation area and have indicated that:
§           road finishes will be replaced on a like-for-like basis, so granite kerbs, natural stone flag paving and cobbles etc will be retained and supplemented where there are gaps at present;
§           historic gas lamps will be refurbished and reinstated with new gas supplies;
§           old concrete flag paving in the footway which becomes uneven and gives rise to trip hazards will be replaced with tarmacadam;
§           special light fittings that are appropriate to the conservation area will be used;
§           financial allowance has been made for the replacement of trees where needed and assurance was given that this replacement will not be arbitrary and all work will be supervised by qualified arboriculturalists. Essential replacement of trees will be phased over 25 years and the contract includes provision for on-going specialist maintenance of all trees;
§           a dedicated ‘First Point’ contact line at 0114 273 4567 ( has been established which will enable all questions, queries, concerns and emergencies to be routed directly to the relevant Amey staff.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Important 'Streets Ahead' Roadshow on 13th February

The 'Streets Ahead' project will renew all of the roads in Sheffield and is being carried out on behalf of the council by Amey. Later this year, work in the Broomhill area will start on Tapton Hill and Crosspool. Next wednesday there will be a roadshow organised by the 'Streets Ahead' team to inform local residents about the road replacement work and what it will involve. Those who recall the gas replacement work a couple of years ago will recall the huge disruption involved.

The roadshow will take place at the Wesley Hall, Crookes, from 1 pm to 5.45 pm. It will cover details of the work to be done, and time scales for the work. Hopefull we will also find out about re-routing of local buses and relocation of bus stops.

Friday 18 January 2013

Important Community Assembly meeting on 24th January will consider whether the Assemblies should be abolished

The Central Community Assembly (which is open to the public)  meets at 5pm next Thursday 24th at Quaker Meeting House (in town, just along from the Cathedral). 

The first hour is a 'Meet the Cabinet" meeting at which senior members of the council will be present to answer questions. The theme that night is supposed to be 'Youth', but this issue is likely to be sidelined given the 'consultation exercise' that has just been announced by the Council on whether the community assemblies should be abolished in order to save money.  The Council is requiring consultation responses to be in by 28th January, which gives communities no real opportunity to canvass opinions and to submit a considered response.

The Community Assemblies are one of the City's important democratic institutions as they allow citizens to influence and observe decision-making that directly affects local areas. There are many questions as to how the many delegated functions of community assemblies will be handled under the various options that are being considered for their future.

For more details about the options on the table, and for information on how to make your views heard as an individual, please visit the consultation page on Sheffield's website

And if you can, go along to what may be the very last meeting of our Community Assembly!

Sunday 13 January 2013

Concert on 16 Feb promites Broomhill's very own recording studio and record label

We are Broomhill residents and we run a small independent classical music record label from home.  We are promoting our first concert, by the pianist Richard Bielicki, which will take place at the Upper Chapel, Norfolk Street, Sheffield on Saturday 16th February. Further detais are on our website: 

It is a very special concert as Richard will be launching his first CD, The Sacred and the Profane, which consists of his own astonishing and entirely listenable compositions.  It will be the first time that some of these pieces have ever been played in public recital. Richard is also including some well-loved Chopin works in his programme, so there really is something for everyone to enjoy.

The CD was recorded at our in-house recording studio in Broomhill, so there is very much a local connection.  Details of our piano and studio are at:

Tickets are available via our website; payment is via Paypal or cheque. Tickets can be posted out or collected (or indeed purchased) on the door.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Southbourne Road light up Broomhill for the festive season

I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all the residents of Southbourne Road, who yet again have brought joy to all of us this Christmas with their spectacular display of festive lights. This year's display is bigger and better than ever, but as always keeps just on the right side of good taste. It must be a huge amount of work putting up all those lights - not to mention the energy bills - but they have made me smile every time I pass by. I expect they'll be coming down this weekend so if you haven't experienced the magic yet GET DOWN THERE!!!!!