Monday 16 July 2012

Could you help Amelia with her research project?

Amelia is looking for a group to people willing to take part in a group
interview. She says: " I go to the University of Sheffield and the group interview
will be part of research for my dissertation. My research is based on
residents attitudes towards the way Sheffield is marketed as a tourist

As long as you are over 18 and live in Sheffield you are exactly the
sort of person I need !!! Ideally I am looking for a group of people
who know each other, but let me know if you are able to help me in
anyway (email:"

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Intruders target Hallam Tower

Residents living close to Hallam Tower have reported a number of incidents over the past week where people have been spotted in the building - and even on its roof. One resident described being woken by the sound of crashing glass as yet another large window was broken from inside the building at night. Police were called but did not apparently respond. We are keeping our local councillors informed about the situation and would be grateful if residents could let BANG know of any new incidents. Email